Spinal Injury Resources
Every year 1,000 people are paralysed due to a spinal cord injury.
Paralysis can now be treated and, thanks to the research of charities like Spinal Research and other organisations, we are on the brink of being able to apply therapies that will bring movement and feeling to those suffering paralysis.
Below is a list of organisations and charities that you may find helpful.
Aspire http://www.aspire.org.uk/ (UK National Charity supporting people with Spinal Injuries)
Spinal Injuries Association http://www.spinal.co.uk/
Spinal research http://www.spinal-research.org (UK National Charity for medical research into paralysis caused by a broken back or neck)
National Spinal Injuries Centre http://www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk/NSIC%20Home/spinal (Stoke Mandeville Hospital)
Nicholls Spinal Injury Foundation http://nichollsfoundation.org.uk/ (UK National Charity raising money in order to fund innovative medical research
National Spinal Cord Injury Association http://www.spinalcord.org/ (American)
United Spinal Association http://www.unitedspinal.org/ (American)