Motorcycle back injury claim
If you have received a back, spine or neck injury as a result of a motorcycle accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to claim compensation, which could be critical for your quality of life post-accident.
Motorcycle back injury claims are often complex
A claim for compensation for a serious back injury from a motorcycle traffic accident is often a complex matter. So it’s essential you obtain the best possible advice and representation. That way you should receive the level of compensation you deserve. There are many factors to consider in a claim such as this. They may for example include;
- loss of earnings,
- loss of future earning capacity,
- adaptations to your home or environment,
- rehabilitation.
You will needan expert team with significant experience to ensure that all aspects of your needs are dealt with.
Adam Law Solicitors specialise in all types of back injury. So we have a wealth of experience to draw upon. This means we can ensure your compensation is the best possible for all your current and future needs.
Delays may significantly affect the success of the outcome. So it’s important you contact us as soon as possible.
Spine and neck injuries from motorcycle accidents
A major American study of over 1.2 million people treated for motorcycle injuries found that around 40% of non-fatal injuries to motorcycle rides occurred to the head, neck, and upper trunk.
If your back is injured in a motorcycle accident you may be entitled to compensation. Please contact us as quickly as possible for a free initial assessment of your case. Phone 0114 256 0111, email us, or use the form on the right of this page.