Your Road Traffic Accident Claim
If you have been injured or suffered losses as a result of a road traffic accident which was not your fault you may be entitled to make a claim.
To find out if you have a claim for injury or losses you must contact us now for a free, no obligation consultation. Delay can risk your ability to claim.
Even if the other driver wasn’t insured or can’t be traced you may still be able to bring a claim. See our information on uninsured and untraced drivers
Contact us now, don’t delay, most claims are time limited.
Phone us on 0114 256 0111 for your free consultation, or email us or fill in the contact form now to find out if you have a claim for your personal injury.

If you are injured you must see a Doctor
Being involved in a car crash can be extremely traumatic. Even relatively minor road traffic accidents can cause physical and psychological injuries. If you are unfortunately involved in an accident on the roads, you may be able to make a car accident claim for any injuries that you have suffered.
When can I claim for injury in a road traffic accident?
In order to be eligible to make a car accident claim, somebody else must be at fault for your accident whether that is involving an accident whilst travelling as a driver in a vehicle, a passenger or whilst walking down the street as a pedestrian.
At Adam Law solicitors, the majority of car accident claims we deal with are as a result of driver error. Example of accidents would be someone failing to look when pulling out of a junction or failing to keep the correct distance and crashing into the back of another car. However the accident doesn’t have to be caused by a car, it can be a van, a bus, a coach, a lorry, a motorbike – in fact any vehicle using the road.
However your accident occurred, providing somebody else was at fault, you should be entitled to make a road accident compensation claim for the injuries you have sustained.
The most common personal injury which our clients unfortunately suffer is whiplash injury. Whiplash occurs with sudden impact to their vehicle, forcing the neck to be thrown backwards and forwards.
However, car accidents can cause a variety of injuries including lacerations, head injuries, internal bleeding and broken bones.
What to do after you have been in an accident on the road
Our dedicated road traffic accident team recommends that if you are injured following an accident, it is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. This will not only ensure that you receive the appropriate medical treatment straight away, but will also enable you to proceed with a potential accident compensation claim.
If you don’t get medical attention for your injuries it may prevent you getting the compensation you’re entitled to.
All our road traffic accident claims are handled on a no win, no fee basis.
Don’t delay contact us now to find out if you have a claim for your personal injuries and losses.
Phone us on 0114 256 0111 for your free consultation, or email us or fill in the contact form now to find out if you have a claim for your road traffic accident injury.