Threaten to Destroy or Damage Property

Threaten to Destroy or Damage Property

Threat to destroy or damage property defence lawyerAdam Law Solicitors offer expert legal advice for anyone facing, or worried about facing, prosecution for threatening to destroy damage property. We have a dedicated criminal defence team who have many years experience of all charges of criminal activity.

If you are concerned you may be facing charges for threatening to destroy damage property, or are already facing charges, it is essential you contact us as quickly as possible.  Phone us now on  0114 256 0111, or email us or use the form on this page.

Section 2 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 creates two offences of threatening to destroy or damage:

  • property belonging to the person threatened or a third person; or
  • the defendant’s own property in a way which is likely to endanger the life of the person threatened or a third person.

The defendant has to intend that the person threatened would fear that the threat would be carried out.

Such threats will usually occur in a public place and a charge under Section 4 Public Order Act 1986 may be more suitable. Section 8 Public Order Act 1986 provides that violence, except in the context of an offence of affray, includes violent conduct towards property.

This article is based on public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0. The original information can be found here;

If you are concerned you may be facing charges for threatening to destroy damage property, or are already facing charges, it is essential you contact us as quickly as possible.

Adam Law Criminal Soilcitors 24hr emergency number 07976 850347